My problem is with the directions. When reading the directions, I always have to look back up at the ingredient list to search through it to find whatever ingredient they are referencing just to find out the amount of that ingredient. How hard would it be to put the amount needed of an ingredient right in the directions too? A sample:
– 2 slices bread
– 2 tsp. butter
– 2 tbsp. strawberry rhubarb jam
1. Toast bread (2 slices).
2. Remove bread from toaster, spread butter (2 tsp.) and jam (2 tbsp.) on each slice of bread equally.
Eh? Eh? So much easier! No rereading the ingredient list to find out how much butter or jam! It’s all right there! No going back and forth from directions to ingredients! Someone please write some computer code to automatically change online recipes to display this way.